
What Percentage of Shoes Made in America are Worn in America?

What Percentage of Shoes Made in America are Worn in America?

It is pretty safe to say that having a decent pair of shoes will always be a necessity not just for the everyday life of the average American but for people worldwide. Recent data collected in 2017 shows that in the USA alone, consumers spent over 74 billion dollars in the...

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10 Most Iconic Fictional Shoes Ever

10 Most Iconic Fictional Shoes Ever

For whatever reason, some movies seem to resonate well and stay with us even long after we have seen them. Sometimes it is the storyline that keeps us enthralled, or it may be our favorite actor playing a character that we can relate with. Other times...

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The Best Shoes For Standing All Day - Why Custom Shoes Win

The Best Shoes For Standing All Day - Why Custom Shoes Win

What if I told you that investing in a quality pair of custom made shoes will likely eliminate the need of having to use gel inserts in the first place or stop you from ever having to suffer the pain that comes along with standing on your feet all day? Well, you better...

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